An architect and a critic discuss what unites them, common reasoning that gives rise to a dialogue that establishes a link between buildings, built or just thought of, and images taken from the artistic tradition, mainly Italian. The result is a presentation of Peluffo & Partners’ architecture seen through the spaces, bodies and figures drawn from suggestions from the world of art, ancient and contemporary, cinema and architecture itself. Gianluca Peluffo has proposed the images of his projects by relating them to other works; Valerio Paolo Mosco, in his critical reading of the subjects narrated, accompanies the associations shown, sometimes indirect but often immediate, with careful reflections – also born of analogy. To narrate this ‘genealogy’ of Peluffo & Partners’ work, the two authors rely on four actions: “revealing”, “evoking”, “transfiguring” and “sharing”, through which they have ordered the sequence of the juxtapositions. To these they added another theme, ‘clumsiness’, which recurs here and there in the projects from time to time.

The volume includes shots by Ernesta Caviola, who has consistently photographed the architecture of Peluffo & Partners and collaborated in the fine-tuning of the images.


Gianluca Peluffo founded the architecture studio 5+1 AA in 1995 and Peluffo & Partners (with Paola De Lucia, Domenico Faraco, Gabriele Filippi, Domenica Laface and Antonio Lagorio) in 2017. Peluffo is the author of several projects and works: among them, the Palazzo del Cinema in Venice, the IULM in Milan, the BNL headquarters in Rome, the restoration of the Lapis Niger area in the Roman Forum, the waterfronts of Trapani and Taranto and the foundation city Monte Galala in Sokhna, under construction in Egypt. Since 2021 he has been an Associate Professor of Architecture. In 2003 he was awarded the Italian title of Merit of Education and Culture by the Ministry of Culture  and since 2018 he has been Academic of Fine Arts of the A.B.A. In 2021 he published Il Giuramento di Pan for Marsilio.

Valerio Paolo Mosco is the author of, among others, Stilizzazione in architettura (LetteraVentidue, 2024); Fragilità in architettura (LetteraVentidue, 2023); Kitsch in architettura (LetteraVentidue, 2023); Frugality in architettura (LetteraVentidue, 2022); Giuseppe Terragni: His War, His End (Forma Edizioni, 2020); Architettura italiana. Dal Postmoderno ad oggi (Skira, 2017). He teaches at Università Iuav di Venezia, and he has taught at the IIT Illinois Institute of Technology in Chicago, Politecnico di Milano, Cornell University-Rome, and Universidad d Navarra.



Weight 0.22 kg
Dimensions 16.5 × 24 × 2.5 cm


Year of publication







paperback with strips



Number of images



ISBN: 978-88-55211-94-9