On the occasion of the series of events “The architect’s table” held at the Museo Novecento in Florence, the museum also hosted a gallery of architectural projects designed exclusively by famous international women architects: Carmen Andriani, Sandy Attia, Cristina Celestino, Izaskun Chinchilla, Maria Claudia Clemente, Isotta Cortesi, Liz Diller, Lina Ghothmeh, Carla Juaçaba, Fuesanta Nieto, Simona Ottieri, Carme Pigem, Guendalina Salimei, Marella Santangelo, Maria Alessandra Segantini, Benedetta Tagliabue, Monica Tricario, Patricia Viel, Paola Viganò and Laura Andreini, curator of the exhibition and catalogue, who proposed a reflection on the professional role of women in the world of architecture.
As Laura Andreini herself states: “The topic of gender inequality brings with it numerous controversies and possible objections: by classifying the female world in a category of its own, do we not run the risk of depleting its value? In light of gender equality, if it seems superfluous to dedicate an exhibition to men, then why dedicate one to women? The answer that the exhibition strives to provide to these possible objections is the conviction that an exhibition dedicated to the work of male architects would add nothing new to a narrative that has been going on for centuries.” On this subject, each section dedicated to an individual designer is introduced by an observation by the designer in question on the situation of women in the field of architecture and the difficulties encountered in their personal careers, resulting in a very heterogeneous perspective rich in aspects worthy of reflection.

Gender Gap

Weight 0.40 kg
Dimensions 11.5 × 16 × 1.5 cm


Year of publication







paperback with flaps



Number of images


edited by Laura Andreini

English edition

Original price was: €15.00.Current price is: €14.25.

5% Off

ISBN: 978-88-5521-087-4

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